KAho jo daro is world known and famous for his acient Buddhist archaeological place at Mirpurkhas Sindh .
KAho jo daro named in response of feudalism of kaho donero and was last in the Donero Family.Prime minister Darya khan killed him for sake of his beloved.
In 1889 when Railway track was constructed and laid down they used the bricks of Kahoo Jo Daro in it and this was the time to discover the Kaho jo Daro.
British commissioner John Jacob was the people who visited the site in Sindh.where Excavations starts and succeed to found some pieces of crystal, amethyst, coins 3/8 inches in size and 1/8 inches fat layer. Some parts are present in Karachi and Mumbai Museum.
Stupa was Buddha was very beautiful and decorated with terracotta sculptures quit similar to Sarnath and Mathura.
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