Handi crafts of Sindh
Handi crafts are recognitions and pride of the different
regions, traditions and cultures and they show that how the people of any
tradition are socially attached with their social norms believes culture and
the tradition.
They provide unique look and beauty to their culture. Sindh
is the well known and famous for its handi crafts and many differentiated
cultural products in the world from thousands of years. these are
Karhai,Rilhi,Ajrak,Topi and Budhik.
KARHAI :(Bharith);
The Women of the Thar especially the KASH a region woman are
skilled and famous for the handi crafts, Karhai is one of them, they live in
poor houses and their living standard are also poor but they are rich in making
beautiful arts of manual work. These are all get prepared by swing needle on
plan cloth or on the wedding dress or other cultural dress.
Every tribe has their own Art, famous with the names of
their tribes, like MATWA Tribe has Matwa Karhai, so as JATT Karhai, MEGWAR
Karhai, HALEPOTRA Karhai .and some other names are TANKO (to pin), TROPO (to
are made in the villages, some of them are DONIRIDO, GHOREWALI, HORIKO, MITRI,
MAKKA Karhai of HALEPOTRA and NEHERIN Karhai of SAMMA is
very famous in the world. These people lives in open fields and they keep
Cattles with them and love to live with them. cattle is their sole mean for
their survival, in their region agricultural products cannot be produced so in
spare time women all time perform art of handi crafts happily in fields. These
are well known due to fields in KASH and GUJRAT.
These women wear the famous dress known as KANJRA.KANJRA is
also provided to bride on her wedding ceremony total of 21 dresses, not also
this but on other ceremonies like EID and other special events, kids and young
generation proudly adapt these dresses.
In olden times this art was limited to the villages and
local areas, by the time passes fashion is changing and new trend has look
shape which has highlighted the need of handicrafts as people like to have
unique things, this has given it chance to spread globally and proved to be
world’s most famous Sindhi Handi Crafts.
Mahmood Matwa and her wife are awarded with National award India.
Rilhi is famous traditional handi crafts of the Sindh, is
made skillfully everywhere in the Sindh,it is divided in four parts,Sadhi
(simple) Rilhi,TUKK (pieces) wari Rilhi,Rilhi of Flowers and Rilhi of Karhai.
Simple Rilhi is used for common usage of local people, made up of seven colors
may be vary.

Rilhi of pieces(TUKK Wari Rilhi) is very popular and expensive made up of
small pieces of cloth and then skillfully connected in a chain of procedure, used
for sale to generate revenue and it is also used for gifts to be offered to
close friends at different events especially marriage ceremony and in the event
of EID. Rilhi of flowers is made of small flowers of cloth beautifully made by
scissors than post on another plan cloth by stitching, these are the very
famous cultural things of Sindh, used in many special event like EID Marriage
ceremony and other vents mostly when guests comes in to the home to attain the
ceremony these Rilhies are spread over bad and cot to express the warm welcome
and notifying them that you are worthy to us.
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